Scales and chord studies - Should I focus on memorization?

Scales in two octaves - starting on 5th string

  • 4 3 2 1 (finger to start on)

  • 5th string

Scales in two octaves - starting on 5th string

  • 4 3 2 1 (finger to start on)

  • 6th string

Play a two-octave C scale starting the 4th finger, then 3rd, then 2nd, and finally the 1st, every time you encounter a C note on the 5th and 6th string. Muscle memory will start to take over the more you practice the scales. Don't think or attempt to memorize each note. Note recognition will happen. Don't force or add stress because you feel the need to memorize notes.

Chords in various string combinations:

Gmi7 - C7 - FMaj7 - FMaj6 - Play in four different inversions on each string combination

String Combinations

  • 1-2-3-4

  • 2-3-4-6

  • 2-3-4-5

  • 1-3-4-5

  • 3-4-5-6

As you "figure out" where to the play the four notes that make up the Gmi7 chord (in four different), the exploring on the fretboard will have a by product of allowing the memorization to automatically happen.


Fire On The Mountain - Quick improvisation example


Convert to Minor